The Importance of Dental Hygiene

Dental disease is a silent process that may cause many other illnesses, including kidney, heart, and blood infections.
When pets don’t receive the dental care they need to keep their teeth clean and their gums healthy, their mouths can
harbor bad bacteria. Ask your veterinarian for more information.


Stage 1
A healthy mouth with normal bacterial
flora, sound gums, and minimal plaque

Stage 2
You can see the inflammation caused on the
gum tissue from the bacterial buildup in the
beginning stages of dental disease. While the
teeth still appear somewhat healthy, the health
of the mouth is starting to decline.

Stage 3
An unhealthy oral cavity with
unfavorable bacteria, gum and inner lip
ulcerations, receding gums, root exposure,                                                                                                                            BEFORE & AFTER
and plaque buildup. Some tooth loss is
probable. This condition may be painful.

Stage 4
The mouth is full of pus, bacteria, and disease.
The teeth are falling out and the gums are
severely inflamed and infected. The roots are
infected and exposed. Tooth loss is eminent.
This condition is painful.